Explore our Journals section, which features a wide range of scientific articles indexed in Scopus focused on Interaction, Information and Communication through Digital Media. Every journal serves as a portal to state-of-the-art research and comprehensive understanding, to share and disseminate your work.
ATOZ: Novas Práticas em Informação e Conhecimento
A peer-reviewed, open access journal in information science, knowledge management, information technology & information management.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q3
Cadernos CEDES
Os Cadernos CEDES são publicações de caráter temático, dirigidas a profissionais e pesquisadores da área educacional, com o propósito de abordar questões que se colocam como atuais e significativas neste campo de atuação.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q4
Communication Research
Empirical research in communication began in the 20th century, and there are more researchers pursuing answers to communication questions today than at any other time. The editorial goal of Communication Research is to offer a special opportunity for reflection and change in the new millennium. To qualify for publication, research should, first, be explicitly tied to some form of communication; second, be theoretically driven with conclusions that inform theory; third, use the most rigorous empirical methods OR provide a review of a research area; and fourth, be directly linked to the most important problems and issues facing humankind. Criteria do not privilege any particular context; indeed, we believe that the key problems facing humankind occur in close relationships, groups, organizations, and cultures. Hence, we hope to publish research conducted across a wide variety of levels and units of analysis.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q1
Critical Studies in Media Communication
Critical Studies in Media Communication (CSMC) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. CSMC publishes original scholarship in mediated and mass communication from a cultural studies and/or critical perspective. It particularly welcomes submissions that enrich debates among various critical traditions, methodological and analytical approaches, and theoretical standpoints. CSMC takes an inclusive view of media and welcomes scholarship on topics such as • media audiences • representations • institutions • digital technologies • social media • gaming • professional practices and ethics • production studies • media history • political economy. CSMC publishes scholarship about media audiences, representations, institutions, technologies, and professional practices. It includes work in history, political economy, critical philosophy, race and feminist theorizing, rhetorical and media criticism, and literary theory. It takes an inclusive view of media, including newspapers, magazines and other forms of print, cable, radio, television, film, and new media technologies such as the Internet.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q1
Data (ISSN 2306-5729) is an international, scientific open access journal on ʻdata in scienceʼ. It provides a forum for data scientists as well as for scientists working with data. The journal publishes two sections: Methods: the Methods section publishes research articles, review papers and technical notes on methods for collecting, processing (treating), managing, storing and analyzing scientific and scholarly data. Related source code, if available, can be deposited as supplementary material. Data Descriptors: the Data Descriptors section publishes descriptions of scientific and scholarly datasets (one dataset per paper). Described datasets need to be publicly deposited prior to publication, preferably under an open license, thus allowing others to re-use the dataset. Small datasets might also be published as supplementary material to the dataset paper in the journal Data. The link to the publicly hosted version of the dataset must be given in the paper. Data descriptors therefore provide easy citability, traceability and accountability of datasets used in scientific research.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q2
Digital TV Europe
Digital TV Europe’s fifth annual survey once again provides a unique snapshot of industry executives’ views on the key issues and trends facing the digital video business today.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q0
E-Learning and Digital Media
E-Learning and Digital Media is a peer-reviewed international journal directed towards the study and research of e-learning in its diverse aspects: pedagogical, curricular, sociological, economic, philosophical and political. This journal explores the ways that different disciplines and alternative approaches can shed light on the study of technically mediated education. Working at the intersection of theoretical psychology, sociology, history, politics and philosophy it poses new questions and offers new answers for research and practice related to digital technologies in education. The change of the title of the journal in 2010 from E-Learning to E-Learning and Digital Media is expressive of this new and emphatically interdisciplinary orientation, and also reflects the fact that technologically-mediated education needs to be located within the political economy and informational ecology of changing mediatic forms.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q2
Educação e Sociedade
Educação & Sociedade ( Education & Society) is published by the Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade (Center of Studies Education and Society – CEDES). The journal accepts contributions in the form of articles and reviews in the area of Education Sciences, reserving the right to publish or not the material spontaneously sent to the editorial staff.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q3
Educational Media International
Educational media has made a considerable impact on schools, educational institutions and providers of open and distance education. Educational Media International (EMI) is a scholarly journal that publishes research, evaluation, and development studies addressing the issues, successes and challenges faced in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of educational media. Educational Media International provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on new developments in educational media. Contributions are drawn from academics, educators and media professionals whose ideas and experiences come from a number of countries and contexts. Priority is given to papers that reveal novel concepts of broad interest to the educational media community. We place a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research that reflects the diversity of the educational technology profession. We also publish articles and seek to stimulate research in emerging educational media areas, such as those created by globalization, technology developments, public policy shifts, future trends and innovation.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q1
Frontiers in Digital Health
Frontiers in Digital Health publishes research across the spectrum of digital health, from AI to big data and ethics to personalization, to provide better prevention, diagnostics and treatment. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: connected health; digital health communication; digital mental health; health informatics; health technology implementation; human factors and digital health; lifestyle and behavior; personalized medicine.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q2
Games (ISSN 2073-4336) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal (free for readers), which provides an advanced forum for studies related to strategic interaction, game theory and its applications, and decision making. The aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for all behavioral sciences and related fields, including economics, psychology, political science, mathematics, computer science, and biology (including animal behavior). To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Games follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences. Games publishes regular research articles, reviews and short notes. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the length of the papers. For theory papers, full details of proofs must be provided so that results can be checked. For experimental papers, full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Additionally, electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculations, experimental procedure, etc, can be deposited along with the publication as ‘Supplementary Material’.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q3
Global Media and Communication
Global Media and Communication is an international peer-reviewed journal launched in April 2005 as a key forum for articulating critical debates and developments in the continuously changing global media and communications environment. As a pioneering platform for the exchange of ideas and multiple perspectives, the journal addresses fresh and contentious research agendas and promotes an academic dialogue that is fully transnational and transdisciplinary in its scope. With a network of ten regional editors around the world, the journal offers a global source of material on international media and cultural processes. Special features include interviews, reviews of recent media developments and digests of policy documents and data reports from a variety of countries.
- Indexed in: Scopus
- Impactor Factor: Q2